Icelandic President Olafur Ragnar Grimsson announces on January 5, 2010 in ReykjavÌk in a speech televised to the nation that he would not sign a controversial bill to compensate the British and Dutch governments over the failure of Icesave bank, instead

Sorglega hefst samtal CNN-fréttamannsins við forsetann á spurningunni hvers vegna okkur gangi svona illa að semja við Breta og Hollendinga um endurgreiðslu á Icesave.  Og þó forsetinn hafi svarað að það væri engin ríkisábyrgð á Icesave, spurði fréttamaður CNN samt næst hvort það væri spurning um vexti af lánunum.  Eins gott ég var ekki þarna með honum.  
Nú sést það einu sinni enn svart á hvítu hvað íslenska og skammarlega ICESAVE-STJÓRNIN hefur staðið sig illa í að standa með okkur í þessu óþolandi máli.  Og þau sem ættu að vera að vinna fyrir okkar hag og skýra málstað okkar erlendis eins og forsetinn einn hefur gert.  Nei, það þarf alltaf forsetann í verk verjanda okkar.  Þau brjóta niður jafnóðum og hann ver okkur.    


FRÉTTAMAÐUR CNN: I first want to get an update from you on the banking situation in Iceland.  Why has your country still been unable to reach an agreement with the UK and the Netherlands on how to repay them after the Icesave failure?  

FORSETINN: Primarily because the Netherlands and Britain are still sticking to very unreasonable demands and they do not want to recognize that these were ultimately private banks and there was no state guarantee behind these banks, so the main problem has been that - maybe for political reasons in Britain and the Netherlands - they have not been willing to look at the issue as it really was.
FRÉTTAMAÐUR CNN: Now, is the issue over the interest rate to the LOANS, is that the main sticking point?

FORSETINN:  Well, the primary issue is this - these were private banks that were operating on their own in the European market and we have said all along that we should not have a system where, if a private bank is successful, the bankers and the shareholders reap a huge profit, but if it fails, the bill should be sent to ordinary people in their home country, farmers and fishermen and teachers and nurses and doctors.  And it is absolutely essential that the authorities in Britain and the Netherlands realize that the European regulations were, and still are, of such a nature that there is not a state guarantee behind the private banks - that´s the fundamental principle of the European financial market.  

FRÉTTAMAÐUR CNN: A lot of the taxpayers in your country are saying, We don´t want to pay for the mistakes of the private banks, but those banks are now nationalized - the three largest banks are nationalized now.  Can they follow the new Basel III regulations that just came out this weekend, can they raise enough capital reserves to, hopefully, not be able to go through this again?

FORSETINN: We have very successfully divided the banking system between what remains of the old banks and the new banking system in Iceland which primarily serves the Icelandic economy and it´s only one of those banks that remains a state bank, the other two are in the hands of private entities.  So in a way, giving the big challenge following the collapse of the banking system, we have managed very well in the last two years to reconstitute a responsible and effective banking system, which at the moment is serving rather well.  

Vísa í næsta pistil á undan um sama viðtal:
Forseti Íslands á CNN: Hollendingar og Bretar halda enn uppi ósanngjörnum kröfum gagnvart Íslandi
E.E. tók saman. 

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1 Smámynd: Valdimar Samúelsson

Gott inlegg.

Valdimar Samúelsson, 15.9.2010 kl. 23:32

3 Smámynd: Valdimar Samúelsson

Þakka þér Jón. Þetta var mjög góð grein á Visi um Össur og Forseta okkar Ólaf Ragnar Grímsson.  

Valdimar Samúelsson, 16.9.2010 kl. 06:18

4 Smámynd: Jón Valur Jensson

Kærar þakkir, Valdimar. Gangi þér vel á þínum (kannski nýju) vegum.

Leitt að frétta af bloggbanni þínu. Sendu mér línu:

Jón Valur Jensson, 16.9.2010 kl. 06:32

5 Smámynd: Halldór Björgvin Jóhannsson

Össur greyið er rosalega duglegur að bulla, ef það ætti að takmarka málfrelsi hjá einhverjum(eins og hann virðist vilja) þá er hann efstur á þeim lista!!!

Halldór Björgvin Jóhannsson, 16.9.2010 kl. 18:16

6 Smámynd: Elle_

Já, væri ekki sniðugast að Össur þagnaði opinberlega?  Eins og hann ætlar forsetanum??

Elle_, 17.9.2010 kl. 00:23

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