Forseti Íslands á CNN: Hollendingar og Bretar halda enn uppi ósanngjörnum kröfum gagnvart Íslandi


Skuldir sem hafa orđiđ til vegna misgjörđa einkabanka eiga ekki ađ lenda á almennum borgurum, segir hann, kröfur um ţađ séu ósanngjarnar. Og svo ráđast sumir ađ forsetanum og vilja ađ hann verđi settur í farbann, eins fáránlega og ţađ nú hljómar. Mađurinn hefur variđ okkur gegn fjárkúgun stórvelda og gegn okkar eigin ríkisstjórn og ríkisstjórnarflokkum. Hann hefur fullt leyfi til ađ tala um Icesave eins og hver önnur mál. Núverandi ríkisstjórn ćtlađi ađ koma nauđunginni yfir okkur og er óhćf ađ verja okkur.


Forsetinn stendur fastur á ţví í ţessu sama kröftuga CNN-viđtali, ađ ţađ sé engin ríkisábyrgđ á Icesave og hafi aldrei veriđ. Hann segir, ađ Bretar og Hollendingar hafi ekki viljađ kannast viđ máliđ eins og ţađ var.


Icesave-hluti viđtalsins verđur birtur hér í textaformi í dag. 

Elle Ericsson


Svo sannarlega var ćrin ástćđa til ađ vísa málinu í ţjóđaratkvćđi, ţegar mćlirinn var fullur hjá ţessum Icesave-stjórnvöldum okkar. Forsetinn hafđi fulla lagaheimild til ađ synja ólögum ţeirra frá 30. des. 2009 stađfestingar og fela ţjóđinni úrslit málsins. Nú heldur hann réttilega áfram varđstöđunni um lífshagsmuni og réttindi Íslands. Ţađ er gleđilegt, ađ forsetinn stendur međ ţjóđinni.

Jón Valur Jensson. Ósanngjarnar kröfur um Icesave
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt

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1 Smámynd: Elle_



FRÉTTAMAĐUR CNN: I first  want to get an update from you on the banking situation in Iceland.  Why has your country still been unable to reach an agreement with the UK and the Netherlands on how to repay them after the Icesave failure? 

FORSETINN: Primarily because the Netherlands and Britain are still sticking to very unreasonable demands and they do not want to recognize that these were ultimately private banks and there was no state guarantee behind these banks, so the main problem has been that - maybe for political reasons in Britain and the Netherlands - they have not been willing to look at the issue as it really was.
FRÉTTAMAĐUR CNN: Now, is the issue over the interest rate to the LOANS, is that the main sticking point?

FORSETINN:  Well, the primary issue is this - these were private banks that were operating on their own in the European market and we have said all along that we should not have a system where, if a private bank is successful, the bankers and the shareholders reap a huge profit, but if it fails, the bill should be sent to ordinary people in their home country, farmers and fishermen and teachers and nurses and doctors.  And it is absolutely essential that the authorities in Britain and the Netherlands realize that the European regulations - were, and still are - of such a nature that there is not a state guarantee behind the private banks - that´s the fundamental principle of the European financial market. 

FRÉTTAMAĐUR CNN: A lot of the taxpayers in your country are saying - we don´t want to pay for the mistakes of the private banks, but those banks are now nationalized - the three largest banks are nationalized now.  Can they follow the new - -  regulatins that just came out this weekend, can they raise enough capital reserves to, hopefully, not be able to go through this again?

FORSETINN: We have very successfully divided the banking system between what remains of the old banks and the new banking system in Iceland which primarily serves the Icelandic economy and it´s only one of those banks that remains a state bank, the other two are in the hands of private entities.  So in a way, giving the big challenge following the collapse of the banking system, we have managed very well in the last two years to reconstitute a responsible and effective banking system, which at the moment is serving rather well.  

Elle_, 15.9.2010 kl. 22:11

2 Smámynd: Elle_


Fullyrt er á forsíđu Viđskiptablađsins, sem kemur út á morgun, ađ Bretar og Hollendingar hafi óskađ eftir ţví ađ íslensk stjórnvöld leggi fram nýtt og hagstćđara tilbođ í Icesave-


Elle_, 15.9.2010 kl. 22:20

3 Smámynd: Jón Valur Jensson

Já, Elle, ég var fjarverandi og lengur en til stóđ og annar stjórnarmađur ekki beđinn um ađ sjá um birtinguna, en nú er ţetta komiđ á netiđ í sér-veffćrslu.

Jón Valur Jensson, 15.9.2010 kl. 23:03

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